Kehilat Chaverim is organized around its members, and facilitated by an all-volunteer Steering Committee.

2024-2025 Steering Committee and Committee Chairs

Community ActionLinda Busch* and Faith Fuerst*

Organizes community outreach efforts, volunteer opportunities, and participates in activities. Recent projects have included preparing meals and serving at a soup kitchen, collecting bags and items for the girls at The Bridge, sorting and bagging produce at Foodshare’s Regional Market, and running a turkey drive.

Festivals Ellen Coffey* and Sheila Mascolo*

Plans activities for Sukkot, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover, and coordinates with the Shabbat Committee when appropriate. Past celebrations have included outdoor Sukkot Shabbat potluck dinners and services, Hanukkah parties, Purim plays and costume parties, Passover recipe tastings, creative seder ideas, paint your own pottery to create original Seder items.

LIfelong Learning Andrea Levy* and Karen Harrington

Organizes and facilitates diverse programs for the membership. Activities have included salons at which members discuss such topics as current events, Jewish identity, and books of interest. Presents educational programs and outings related to Jewish history and culture.

Marketing & CommunicationsDan Haar*

Plans and publishes the bi-monthly newsletter. Determines content of the newsletter and website. Researches, writes, and edits articles pertaining to Judaism, members, and the larger Jewish community. Develops special projects to foster pride in the group and to use as a public relations tool. Oversees the collection of photos for media distribution and advises on the writing and distribution of media releases. Designs and places ads in appropriate publications and program books.

Membership Sandra Zlokower* and Sue Garten*

Helps integrate new members and updates the annual membership list. Maintains information on referrals and resources for life-cycle events. Responds to and provides support for members as needed. Coordinates the Annual Fall Membership Meeting.

Shabbat Susan Doran* and Marty Kapper*

Coordinates Shabbat services, usually monthly in members’ homes sometimes combined with a Jewish holiday that KC celebrates as a group. Determines the date and time as well as the format of the event and the service: a full or abbreviated service; a potluck dinner or just dessert; Friday night or Saturday Havdalah. Committee responsibilities include calendar planning, recruiting hosts, advertising gatherings, assisting hosts with shopping, set up and clean up, and reimbursing hosts for expenses. As needed for COVID-19 safety, services may be held on ZOOM.

Social ActivitiesLaura Pels*

Creates fun experiences to deepen fellowship and to provide opportunities for group friendship. Events have included theater outings to Playhouse on Park, sports events (Yard Goats), museum trips, a visit to the Yiddish Book Center and celebrating KC milestone anniversaries.


    • Steering Committee AdministrationEllen Coffey*

    • Membership AdministrationNancy Malley*

    • TreasurerNancy Malley*

    • Emails to MembershipNancy Malley*

    • External Inquiries (contact for public and prospective members) – Karen Dworski*

    • Website manager – Bob Abraham

Ad Hoc groups:

    • High HolidaysSue Garten*

    • GHIAA (Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance) – open

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